

Inspirational quotes from inspirational women

Women such such as Hillary Clinton, Beyoncé and Oprah are well known for their achievements, but success in your field shouldn’t be the only measure of success.
The traditional definition of success can hinder women from pursuing what actually makes them really happy.

Ambitious women think that every morning they wake up, they have to go for gold. You can’t just jog; you have to run a race. Mundane activities like having a cup of coffee, reading the paper, and heading to work isn’t enough — that’s settling, that’s giving in.

You have to wake up, have a cup of coffee, conquer the world, bake a perfect cake, take a judo class, and figure out how you are going to get that corner office or become district supervisor, while also looking damn sexy — but not too sexy, because cleavage is degrading — all before lunchtime.

Success isn’t about winning everything; it’s about achieving your dream, be that dominating your company or flying jets. And no matter what we as individual women want, no matter what our goals, we have to support one another. While leaning in may work for some, we must remind ourselves that it’s not leaning in that defines feminism but your choice to do so.

Even in the materialistic and modest world of reviewing beauty products following these definitions by women who have achieved something great can inspire all of us to do that much better.

Let these quotes inspire you every day!






















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Tales of success and failure in my quest to look FANTASTIC !